Although I was baptized and attended the Lutheran Church most of my life, my parents decided we should be Methodist for a while. I think it had something to do with the fact that we lived in a very small town and there was only one Lutheran Church. Legend has it that my dad had a falling out with church leadership over something… who knows. Anyway, I was confirmed in the Methodist tradition… I know… GASP!!! All I know is I was very grateful because I had started catechism classes in the Lutheran Church, and they were awful. Our pastor had a monotone voice that could put anyone to sleep in about 5 minutes even if you’d had a full night’s rest. Plus, we had to do lots of homework and memorize scripture each week.

Anyway, I found the Methodist Church to be a bit more laid back in that regard. I didn’t really see a big difference theologically but then I was only in 7th grade. One memory I had was singing in the senior choir. They actually let junior high school students sing in the senior choir! One of my favorite parts of the service was when the choir stood in the back of the cavernous room and sang the blessing before the dismissal. I checked and we don’t have the version I remember in our hymnal. The four-part harmony was glorious as we sang these words:

Breathe on me, Breath of God,
Fill me with life anew,
That I may love the way you love,
And do what you would do.

I don’t know about you, but I need to be reminded of this today. I’m tired, frustrated, and feeling pretty empty right now. And I’m sure it’s not just affecting me, but those around me. Maybe you are feeling the same and need a fresh breath from God. Blow Spirit, blow!

See you Sunday